Decluttering Before You Move

Decluttering is one of the best ways to organize a move. You can save money by getting rid of unnecessary stuff.
Where do you start when decluttering?
- Get started early
It’s time for you to start decluttering once you find out you are moving from your home. You don’t want to put off this task. Otherwise, you will end up packing everything again and may not be able to reduce your clutter. Worse, you might accidentally throw away something that you regret.
You can plan, sort, sell, or donate early. There are many ways to declutter before moving. You’re sure find the right method for you. You can also start early if you are moving with children. This will allow you to spread the word about the move. You’ll have plenty of time to involve them in the process of decluttering if they are old enough.
Decluttering your home is an important step in making it appealing to potential buyers.
- Get rid of unused items
Before you begin sorting and decluttering, get rid of all items that you know you don’t use or want but haven’t got rid of because they are not necessary. Take this example:
- Unused baby items
- Broken or unutilized appliances
- You will feel remorseful for impulse purchases that are non-refundable.
- You gave away gifts you didn’t like but were guilty of. Bonus: You now have an excuse–it was lost during the move!
- You don’t need any old cables or remotes for electronic devices.
- You haven’t touched college textbooks since graduation.
Decluttering your home is the first step if you don’t plan on moving, but still want to organize it.
- Plan!
Your decluttering efforts should be included in your packing plan. You can start with the most used room in your house and set aside time each day to pack and purge, even if it is only one area. Consider your new home and how much space it offers, as well as whether or not storage is available.
When you make decisions about what to keep, consider the space you have available. You might not have enough space for everything so plan what furniture, appliances, and other items you need. You can ask your agent for measurements, or, if possible, go to the property yourself. If one of the couches is too small to fit into the space, it’s not worth moving them both.
- It’s easy to do!
Once you have a plan in place and have eliminated everything that isn’t necessary, it’s time to start sorting what is left. You can organize your things by deciding what you want to keep and what you should discard. These are some questions to ask yourself as you begin to organize your stuff.
What was the last time this item was worn or used?
- Are they still relevant?
- Is it a good fit for your life?
- Is it still your favorite?
- Will it fit into your dream home?
Anything that’s still usable or serves a purpose, keep it. Don’t forget to keep anything that makes you happy, or makes you feel important. You don’t have to keep the item for its utility or regular use to be worthwhile.
Sell – Items that are in good shape can be sold at garage sales, online auctions such as Craigslist and Facebook Marketplace, or consignment shops. For more tips on selling your stuff, read our blog.
Donate – The things that are not worth selling but that can still be worn or used should be donated.
Recycle – Everything that is damaged, worn or unusable to the local dump or recycling center for sorting. Electronics should be properly disposed of. Most recycling centers have a place for them.
- Go digital
Digitizing anything you don’t require a physical copy of is one of the best ways to reduce clutter.
- Photographs
- Home movies
- Files
These items can be easily scannable or transferred to your computer for safekeeping. You can keep a physical copy of any images that you are attached to, or intend to frame, and any documentation you might need to retain for tax or legal purposes. The rest can be scanned or transferred to your computer. This will not only save space but also your memories. Slides and VHS tapes from the past aren’t made to last so you should take precautions to protect them.
- Get help
Helping hands can make packing your stuff faster and more enjoyable. Brunswick Organizing Solutions can help you to see the bigger picture when it comes time to move. It’s more fun to pack with help and your stuff could find a loving home. You will have more time to do the decluttering and you will be able to hire movers to load your belongings. It will also make it much easier to move bulky or large items that you may still want.
- Do not forget
It’s easy for people to forget about certain areas when there’s so much going on. These places should be checked when you pack up.
Take everything out of your medicine cabinets and dispose of any expired or no longer needed items. You should not throw away prescriptions or any over-the-counter medications. You can do some research to determine the best way to dispose of your prescriptions. If possible, take them back to your pharmacist or local pharmacy. You may also find prescription drop boxes at some police stations.
Don’t keep expired food or foods in your pantry. You can change your diet, taste, and allergies over time so don’t keep it in your home. Donate food to local shelters or food banks if it isn’t expired. It’s a great time to go through your kitchen utensils, and get rid any extras.
Crawl Space or Attic – These spaces can be great for storage but they can also become a place to dump any items you don’t need anymore. You shouldn’t leave your old chairs behind. These spots should be checked for items that you may have forgotten.
- Selling your stuff
Once you have figured out what you don’t need or want, you can begin getting rid of it. You can sell some of it if it is in good condition to help you recover some of your moving expenses.
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